Catch up with your writing therapists Rachanee and Tom as they discuss the latest news in the industry of which writers should be aware as well as from their own adventures in Hollywood.
- Stream Writers Group Therapy on Spotify
- Reddit’s Screenwriting Sub-reddit (r/Screenwriting)
- KAPOW Intergalactic Film Fest
- LA Grip
- Wolves and Warriors
- National Hispanic Media Coalition Writers Showcase
- THR – Critic’s Notebook: Ranking the Streaming Services in Times of Confusion
- Session #4 – Streaming
- Session #57 – The Rise of Subscription Movies & TV
- THR – TV Reboots May Be Losing Their Luster With Viewers (Exclusive Poll)
- Session #46 – Remaking Nostalgia TV
- THR – As Talent Agencies Push to Own Content, Some Creators Cry Foul